The Parish Book of Chant

Chants by Book Number

The Order of Mass, 1-27

Each title is linked to a PDF copy of the chant, many with English translation.

The chants were performed by the ensemble Viri Galilaei, directed by David Hughes.

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0a Sign of the Cross

0b Greeting

1  Confiteor

2  Penitential Rite B (Miserere nostri)  

3  Penitential Rite C with Kyrie

Kyrie XVI

Gloria VIII

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5b  After the First Reading

5c  After the Second Reading

6  Alleluia Chant  

7  Lenten Gospel Acclamation  

8  Psalm 50 and Response

8a  At the Gospel

8b  After the Gospel

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9  Petitions, Response: Kyrie

10  Petitions, Response: Te rogamus

10a  Prayer Over the Offerings

11  Preface Dialogue, Solemn tone

12  Preface Dialogue, Ferial tone

13  Preface Dialogue, Most Solemn Tone

14  Sanctus

15  Memorial Acclamation

15a  After the Canon

16  Pater noster

16a  At the Sign of Peace

17  Agnus Dei XVIII

17a  Ecce Agnus Dei

17b  Prayer After Communion

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17c  Final Blessing, Solemn Tone

17d  Final Blessing, Ferial Tone

18  Pontifical Blessing

19  Dismissal XI

20  Dismissal

21  Dismissal – Easter

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22  Asperges me

23  Asperges me, ad libitum

24  Vidi aquam

24a  Collect

24b  Before the Gospel

24c  Secret Prayer

25  Preface Dialog, Solemn

25a  After the Canon

25b  At the Conclusion of the Canon

25c  At the Pax

26  Dismissal XI

27  Dismissal – Easter

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