
Sacred Music Colloquium

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Chant Course Descriptions

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2024 Colloquium Music Book


Registration & Accommodations

Chant Course Descriptions

Campus Map

2024 Colloquium Music Book


2024 Colloquium Faculty


  • Christopher Berry, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Dr. Horst Buchholz, Detroit, Michigan
  • Mary Ann Carr Wilson, San Diego, California
  • Gregory DiPippo
  • Dr. Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka, St. Patrick’s Seminary, Menlo Park, California
  • Most Rev. Earl K. Fernandes, Bishop of Columbus, OH
  • David Hughes, Waterbury, Connecticut
  • Dr. Aaron James, Toronto, Ontario
  • Dr. Nathan Knutson, St. Charles Seminary, Wynnewood, PA
  • Dr. William Mahrt, CMAA President, Stanford University
  • Jeffrey Morse, Phoenix, CA
  • Dr. MeeAe Cecilia Nam, Eastern Michigan University
  • Michael Olbash, St. John’s Seminary, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Rev. Robert Pasley, Mater Ecclesiae Catholic Church, Berlin, New Jersey
  • William Riccio, West Haven, Connecticut
  • Dr. Edward Schaefer, Hagerstown, MD
  • Dr. Lucas Tappan, Topeka, KS
  • Dr. Susan Treacy, Henrico, Virginia
  • Dr. Charles Weaver, Norwalk, CT

Chant Course Descriptions

Fundamentals for Men and Women (Director, Dr. Lucas Tappan):

This course in Gregorian chant is intended for real chant beginners: both those who can read modern notation and those with no musical training.


Participants will learn how to read the four-line staff, the names of the neumes, and how to navigate the intervals with solfege. Rhythm will be introduced. Course material will include the Ordinaries of the Mass and one Proper.

Intermediate for Men and Women (Director, Dr. Nathan Knutson):

This course offers continued study in Gregorian chant and is intended for those who have some background in chant but do not sing chant on a regular basis.


This is an intermediate course whose primary aim, like the foundation course, will not be performance during the liturgy. Participants will be responsible for singing the Ordinaries of the Mass and will be prepared to sing four chant Propers during the week in addition to the Mass Ordinaries.

Schola (two sections: Jeffrey Morse, Women; David Hughes, Men):

This course is intended for advanced singers who sing chant regularly.


The two scholas (men, women) will be responsible for the bulk of the more difficult Mass Propers sung during the week.

Advanced Seminar on Chant Conducting (Director, Dr. Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka)

This course is intended for advanced singers (both men and women) who wish to continue their study of Gregorian chant, particularly on conducting and interpretation. This class will also focus on study rather than performance.


This choir will prepare four Mass Propers for liturgies during the week.
NOTE: A quick review of Gregorian notation will be offered, but it is expected that the singer will have a good basic understanding and ability to read Gregorian square-note notation.

Chant Repertory

Chant Choir Assignments

Women's Schola - Jeffrey Morse

Tuesday, June 25, 2024
     Introit, Weber English
     Communion, Gorbitz, English

Wednesday, June 26, 2024
     Introit: Mihi autem nimis (Spanish), Gorbitz

Thursday, June 27, 2024
     Gradual – Requiem aeternam

Friday, June 28, 2024
     Alleluia – Spiritus Sanctus docebit vos

Friday Vespers, June 28, 2024
     Vespers (with Men’s Schola)

Saturday, June 29, 2024
     Gradual – Constitutes eos

Men's Schola - David Hughes

Tuesday, June 25, 2024
     Alleluia – Latin Emitte spiritum tuum
     Offertory – Confirma Hoc Deus (English)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 
     Communion – Vos qui secuti estis me (Spanish) Gorbitz

Thursday, June 27, 2024 
     Tract – Absolve

Friday, June 28, 2024
     Gradual – Inveni, David, servum meum

Friday Vespers, June 28, 2024
     Vespers (with Women’s Schola)

Saturday, June 29, 2024
     Alleluia – Tu es Petrus
     Communion – Tu es Petrus

Conducting - Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka

Wednesday, June 26
     Offertory – In omnem terram exivit sonus eorum (Latin)

Friday, June 28
     Offertory – Benedicam Dominum

Saturday, June 29
     Offertory – constitutes eos principes

Intermediate Schola - Nathan Knutson

Wednesday, June 26
     Alleluia – Nimis honorati sunt amici tui

Friday, June 28
     Introit – Loquetur Dominus pacem

Saturday, June 29
     Introit: Nunc scio vere

Beginning Schola - Lucas Tappan

Friday, June 28
     Communion: quod dico vobis


Tuesday, June 25
     Bruckner, Windhaager Messe

Wednesday, June 26
     Knaggs, Misa Santiago

Thursday, June 27
     Dies Irae

Friday, June 28
     Mass IV (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei)

Polyphony Repertory

Polyphony Choir Assignments

Polyphony 1 - Christopher Berry

Tuesday, June 25
     Motet at the Communion – Allegri Veni     Sancte Spiritus [section leaders]

Wednesday, Jun 26
     Gradual – falsobordone (Mahrt edition)

Thursday, June 27
     Durúfle Introit and Kyrie

Friday, June 28, 2024
     Motet at the Offertory – Guerrero Ist Sanctus 

Saturday, June 29, 2024
     Monteverdi Messa da Capella a quattro voci Sanctus and Agnus
     Motet at the Communion – Marenzio Hodie Paulus Apostolus

Polyphony 2 - Horst Buchholz

Tuesday, June 25
     Gradual (Falsobordone), Mahrt
     Motet at the Offertory – Atwood Come Holy Ghost 

Wednesday, Jun 26
     Motet at the Communion – Victoria, Domine non sum dignus

Thursday, June 27
     Durufle Offertory, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, also conduct Pie Jesu

Saturday, June 29
     Monteverdi Messa da Capella a quattro voci Kyrie, Gloria
     Motet at the Offertory – Fauré Tu es Petrus (SATB, baritone solo)

Polyphony 3 - Michael Olbash

Tuesday, June 25
     Motet at the Communion – Healey Willan O How Sweet O Lord (PBM)

Wednesday, Jun 26
     Motet at the Offertory – Victoria O Decus Apostiolicum 

Thursday, June 27
     Durufle Communion and Libera Me

Friday, June 28
     Motet at the Communion – Clemens Hic est vere martyr

Friday Vespers 
     Josquin Salve Regina à 5 (section leaders)

Saturday, June 29
     Monteverdi Messa da Capella a quattro voci Credo

Registration Information

Pricing, Cancellation & Scholarships

June 24 – 29, 2024
St. John Newman Center,
604 E. Armory Ave. | Champaign, IL 61820

All registrations must be received by June 10, 2024.

After that point, you may contact us at to inquire about any late registration possibilities.

Note: In 2023, we sold out early, so don’t delay.


Pricing details

Prices include all classes, liturgies, and sessions plus dinner on June 24, 2024, and lunches Tuesday – Friday. The closing lunch is optional and is offered as a separate item on the registration. Evening meals on Tuesday – Friday are provided for those staying in dormitory housing. Commuters may also register for these dinners separately.





With a current CMAA membership, the members’ rate is available to you; it is not transferable to another person. If your parish has a CMAA parish membership, please contact your Director of Music for the discount code.

Not yet a member? Join now and receive the benefits of membership for a full year.

Note: All registrants must be eighteen (18) years old on or before June 24, 2024, unless accompanied by a fully-registered parent. If a parent does not want to participate in choirs, the parent may register as a companion with a lower rate.


Requests received in writing at the CMAA Office emailed or postmarked on or before June 10 will receive a refund less the non-refundable $75 deposit. After that date, partial refunds are given only in the form of a credit toward registration for the 2025 Colloquium. Credits are not carried forward for more than one year. Refunds may be processed after the Colloquium. All requests for credit must be received by email by June 23 to be considered for any credit ( Requests after June 10 may only receive partial credit, depending on charges to the CMAA for meals, housing, and other expenses.


All scholarships are made possible by generous CMAA donors. If you are interested in sponsoring a musician, priest or seminarian’s attendance, please write to us at or make a donation to our Scholarship Fund.

Scholarship Assistance may be available for partial tuition for persons or parishes of limited means. To apply for a scholarship, please see information about scholarship applications or request a packet from the CMAA office by calling (505) 263-6298. The application deadline is April 15. To apply for a CMAA Colloquium scholarship, please fill out the application form and Scholarship recommendation form and submit them to us (email preferred) prior to April 15, 2024. All applications and recommendations must be received at our office by April 15, 2024.



Send applications to us at CMAA, 322 Roy Foster Rd., McMinnville, TN 37110 or you may email the completed forms to us at In order to process your application, we must have both forms received by the deadline. If you have not received confirmation that your application was received in our office by April 15, please email us at to ensure you don’t miss the deadline.


Dormitory housing is available for all attendees at the St. John Newman Center at the University of Illinois, Champaign. Choose from single or double accommodations.

Please note that all rooms will have a shared bathroom. Linens will be provided.

When you stay in the dormitories, your breakfasts Tuesday – Saturday and dinners Tuesday – Friday will also be provided in the Newman Center cafeteria (on the main level of the building). Please provide the name of your preferred roommate if you choose the double room option.

*If you don’t already have a roommate, we will attempt to match you up with a roommate. If we are unable to do so, you will be responsible for the single rate, which must be paid on or before June 24. Dormitory rooms are limited, so later registrants may only have a double occupancy option available.

Parking is available on campus at a rate of $58.00 for the week. Register for this on the registration page.


Closing Lunch


Special Dietary Needs


Dinners only, Tues - Friday


parking on Campus


Instructions for Clergy and Seminarians 

Please download this instruction page for clergy and seminarians regarding participation in the liturgies of the Colloquium.
Information regarding the vestment colors, as well as information regarding letters of good standing, are detailed in the instruction sheet.
If you have questions, please contact us at



Campus Map

Colloquium Music Book

Breakout Schedule

CMAA Code of Conduct

Please take note of our code of conduct.