The Parish Book of Chant
Chants by Book Number
Ad libitum, Sequences, 123-151
Each title is linked to a PDF copy of the chant, many with English translation.
The chants were performed by the St. Francis of Assisi Oratory Schola | Lincoln, NE, under the direction of Nicholas Lemme.
Simple Alleluias
147 Alleluia, mode II (O Filii et Filiae)
Melismatic Alleluias
149 Melismatic Alleluia, mode II
151 Melismatic Alleluia, mode VIII
152 Victimae paschali laudes 📋
153 Veni Sancte Spiritus 📋
154 Lauda Sion 📋
160 Dies Irae 📋
242 Stabat Mater 📋