Church Music Association of America
Zoom Meeting Application Terms of Use
Description of Service and Usage Limitation
Zoom meetings on the application will allow users to attend and participate in online meetings and training sessions offered by the Church Music Association of America (CMAA), either to members only, or to the public. These meetings will typically be recorded and have the potential to be shared in the future, at the discretion of the CMAA.
In general, participants will be muted upon entry into any CMAA zoom meeting. Comments or questions will be taken in the chat box.
If you are identified and allowed to speak during a session, your participation in this way constitutes your permission to share any comments you make with others if/when the recorded video is shared with either members only or the public.
Individual participants will not be allowed to record the sessions or have permission to share them elsewhere. These sessions and the recordings are under control of the CMAA exclusively.
Privacy Policy
The CMAA may keep records on participants who attend our online programs via the registration process. Based on your attendance at a Zoom event, the CMAA may send you emails to notify you of an any upcoming program we think may interest you. We do not share details of our membership or participants with any outside group, ever. You can opt-out of receiving any future emails by unsubscribing to the email list.