English Propers
About the Propers
The Propers of the Mass are those prayers which change, and are “proper” to each Liturgy. The texts are primarily Psalms and settings of Gospel texts. The music stems from the elaboration of the 8 Psalm Tones within their modes. Masses are often named by the first word of the Introit (e.g. Requiem, Laetare, Gaudete)
Introit – Gradual – Tract – Sequence – Alleluia – Offertory – Communion
English Propers
- American Gradual (Bruce Ford)
- By Flowing Waters (Paul F. Ford)
- Chabanel Psalms
- Chants for the Church Year (Cunningham)
- Communio with English Verses (Richard Rice)
- English Chant Propers (Fr. Columba Kelly)
- English Propers (Arbogast, 1964)
- Graduale Parvum (2012 ed.)
- Graduale Parvum: Introits (2018 ed.)
- Illuminare Publications
- Laudate Dominum Communion Antiphons (Andrew Motyka)
- Lenten Tracts (psalm-tone) (Esguerra)
- Parish Book of Psalms
- Salisbury Antiphoner (Palmer)
- Simple Choral Gradual by Richard Rice (description)
- Simple Choral Gradual by Richard Rice (PDF)
- Simple English Propers by Adam Bartlett
- Simple English Propers by Adam Bartlett (PDF)
- St Louis Gradual (for Lent and Easter) (Fr. Samuel Weber)
- The Proper of the Mass for Sundays and Solemnities (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB)
Anglican Heritage Propers
- American Gradual (Bruce Ford) 2008
- American Gradual (Bruce Ford) 2020
- Anglican Use Gradual
- Introits of the Sarum Rite (Palmer)
- Plainchant Gradual (description)
- Plainchant Gradual Vol 1&2 (Burgess/Palmer)
- Plainchant Gradual Vol 3&4 (Burgess/Palmer)
- Salisbury Antiphoner (Palmer)
- St. Dunstan Kyrial (Douglas, 1933)